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Unlock the world with a Wave

A sequence of images of a hand using a Keyo biometric authentication device.

Pay at stores, redeem tickets, open doors, & more with a wave of your hand.

your walletIDkeysticketsfobs
at home,
on purpose.

With Keyo, you are all you need to do everything you love.Bringing a new wave of possibilities like never before.

Enroll once and Wave at any participating location.

Joining the Keyo Network is simple. Enjoy the convenience of using your hand at any participating location to make payments, redeem tickets, verify your age, and so much more. Plus, the Keyo dashboard puts you in control, giving you a place to easily manage your account.Join the Keyo network

One Wave, so many possibilities.

Keyo Wave+ includes our next generation hand scanning device plus the addition of a smartphone-size screen. The addition of the screen makes the Wave+ perfect for anywhere a rich user interface is needed.

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There’s only one you.

Keyo devices carefully analyze millions of points on both the inside and outside of your hand, so that you can be identified quickly and safely.And because we look at data points on the inside of your hand, your identity can’t be copied or used without your consent.

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Privacy by design

Privacy is our top priority.

We believe that privacy is a fundamental human right. To protect that right, we put privacy at the center of our technology and methodology. Keyo uses military grade encryption for communication between every component of the Keyo ecosystem, including between Keyo devices, SDK instances and the Keyo Cloud.

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