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Build custom biometric applications faster, with less friction

We’re thrilled to announce the launch of the KeyoOS Sandbox, a dedicated testing environment designed to make building custom applications with biometric authentication simple and intuitive.

What is the KeyoOS Sandbox?

The KeyoOS Sandbox is a flexible, developer-friendly space where you can test, refine, and perfect your web applications before deploying them to Keyo devices. It empowers developers to simulate real-world scenarios and create personalized applications incorporating their brand with ease, ensuring a smooth and efficient deployment process.

Key Features:

  • Simulate real scenarios: Simulate successful and failed user interactions like identification and enrollment in a controlled environment.
  • Build with tools you know and love: Web developers can quickly get started by utilizing their favorite tools and existing expertise.
  • Streamlined deployment: Debug, polish, and perfect your applications in the sandbox before launching confidently.
  • Dedicated support: Our in-house team of developers is here to guide you every step of the way, providing seamless onboarding assistance and ongoing support throughout your integration journey.

Start building today. 👉 Explore the KeyoOS Sandbox with a demo.